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Welcome to The Chosen's journals. Each character is invited to keep a
journal and write down the thoughts of their characters as they wander
through Nyternia. In addition, the DM has a journal which highlights
each session. The players are:
Malif's Journal, session #8 Go to Session #: 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | 26 | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 39 | 40 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 | 48 | 49 | 50 | 51 | 52 | 53 | 54 | 56 | 58 | 59 | March the Twentieth We are being watched. We have dreamed the dream again, and I am sure it is not coincidence. Someone is testing us, watching our every move. The Belar Chias claims no Belar alive could perform such magic. Just as well. It warms my heart to know there is a limit to their power, and that instead a human or an elf somewhere might be responsible for this so-called dream. Or perhaps... a lich! Chias told us much, including a tale of four mighty humans of old, the founders of Solas. The place is overrun with undead now and rumored to be controlled by a lich, the former head of Solas' Wizard's Guild. What would a lich want with us, though? Perhaps it believes we could be a force to be used against the Belar? I can think of worse fates! Ha! Chias told us of a method for entering the dream voluntarily. I say we do just that, and attempt contact with whomever it is who tests us! Oh, what I would give to see the look on the Belar, or human, or elf, or lich's face if we could turn the tables! Unfortunately, we've got to get a permit first from the Belar for the potion used in the method before we can try. Unbelievable. A wizard must get a permit from the government to practice his Art. What is next? A license to use the privy?
March the Twenty-First I have begun a new project with my anto. Slowly, I am learning that there is much more than meets the eye as far as the design and use of the Drow anto goes. It is not so simple a matter as copying drawings and deciphering the flowery descriptions left by the Dark Elves. They have hidden their secrets as deep as their fabled cities. I have just discovered that the anto can be made much more deadly with the correct aiming technique. Adjustments must be made in the midst of battle, but the little 'bow is well suited to finding an enemy's vulnerable spots. I've bought 500 bolts in anticipation of much practice. This latest discovery has led me to a simple hypothesis concerning the Drow: they seek all advantage at all times. No matter how large or how slight, I believe I am safe in saying that no advantage is to be overlooked by a Drow. Simple enough? Ah, but much can this thought teach the astute student. Take my little anto, for example. The hand crossbow is the favored weapon of the Drow, their signature. Why? Long ago, my first thought was, "Because it is small, concealable, stealthy, nearly silent. It fits the Drow's character." "Nonsense," I say now. If a Drow needed to kill his enemy -- and all Drow need to kill some enemy -- then a Drow would not use a little crossbow if a great longbow would do a better job. After all, every Drow is an elf. The longbow is no stranger to an elf. If the longbow could shoot faster, pull harder, deliver a more deadly blow, then the Drow would use it. No advantage is to be neglected.
What this tells me is that while my current copy may be flawed, a true
Drow-forged hand crossbow must be every bit as deadly as the mightiest
longbow in the hands of a trained Drow. Otherwise, the trained Drow
would simply use the mightiest longbow. I have much to learn. I have
already discovered how to load the anto as quickly as an archer can
notch an arrow. Here I once believed the longbow to have an advantage
over the anto; now I know the little 'bow is just as quick. What other
incorrect assumptions have I made? I can begin to see the advantages
one might take in aiming the anto in combat. This is good, this is as
the Drow would do, but there is still the question of sheer
damage. The Drow would not surrender the advantage of death-dealing
power and outright stopping ability. There must be a way to make the
anto match the longbow, or else I can not explain its universal
preference among the Dark Elves... Perhaps the bolt must be heavier or
thicker, barbed just so, or made entirely of some Drow metal? Maybe
the feathers must be turned to blades! The Drow do not hesitate to
spend lavishly on their vices; they would spend equally on their arms!
Who knows how much money their antos and the bolts they loose might
cost to craft. Who knows what mixture of adamantite and mithril might
be needed for the anto's lath to give it just the right balance
between strength and flexibility. And who knows what their bolts might
look like! Perhaps they are twice again as thick as the ones I have
devised, based as they are on human crossbows! Perhaps they boast an
adamantite tip to pierce the strongest armor and a mithril shaft for
lightness in the air! Might the hole one opens in the Drow's quarry
make a longbow shaft look puny in comparison? Many questions, and the
answers are sure to be well-hidden! For now, though, I will content
myself with practicing my aim, while I search for the next hidden gem
in the crown!
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